Buying a horse? Here is some advice and the requirements for the change of ownership with the PRE Stud Book Office

In the light of the doubts and concerns that arise when purchasing a PRE horse, the PRE Stud Book office offers the following recommendations:  
Before you actually purchase a horse and request the change of ownership, verify whether or not the horse has an Ownership Card.  
- In the case of horses for which an Ownership Card has been issued, the ownership of a horse may be changed only if said card has been correctly filled out on the back, including the date and signed by both the seller and the buyer.  
- Should the horse not have been issued an Ownership Card, the corresponding change of ownership request must include the sales/purchase contract or a legal document indicating that the horse changes ownership.   
You may consult whether or not your horse has been issued an Ownership Card by visiting the PRE Stud Book web site:; go to the “consult” section or use the smartphone application for Apple and Android. These apps can be found by indicating “PRE Stud Book” on your handheld device.  
Once you actually have the horse in your hands, these are the steps to be followed: 
- Go to the “document” section of the PRE Stud Book web site at: and download the “request for service.” Remember that to do stud book tasks, you must have an owner code or a breeder code.  If you do not have one, please request one.   
- Fill out the form, indicating request for service number 619.  
- Indicate the horse’s name and code number for which you are requesting the change of ownership. Provide the information requested in each box.     
- Once you have filled out and signed the “request or service,” pay for the service using the web-based system or make a direct deposit at any local LA CAIXA bank, where you will have to present the request for service and state that it is a “third-party payment.” For internationals, contact your national PRE Association.   
- Then, send the “Request for Service” form to the PRE Stud Book office, together with the payment receipt and the original Ownership Card that has been filled out and signed by both the seller and the buyer.  Should the horse/s not have an Ownership Card, you will need to include the sales-purchase contract, duly signed by both parties.  A model can be downloaded from the LG PRE ANCCE web site at For internationals, contact your national PRE Association.    
- Once the office receives your request, the change of ownership will be processed and a new Ownership Card will be issued. Once you have the new Ownership Card, you may request any and all services that you horse may need.  
Likewise, remember that the seller must provide the equine identification document (Passport).