ONLINE Request for Service
Your PRE Stud Book Requests for Service are faster and easier.
Request for Service
Request for Service
- Application for Breeder/Horse Owner Code
- Appendix for Export Certificate Request Form
- Initial Stud Farm Status Report
- International Application for Service
- PRE Horse Death Report
- Incompatible Parentage Test
- Purchase Statement
- Appendix for Request for Name Change (607)
- Request for Refund
- Semen Sales/Purchasing Agreement
- Statement to Remove a Horse Due to Sale/Transfer
- Stud Farm Change of Ownership
- Updating Data
- Womb Rental Agreement
- Instructions to Request the Service 103, Identification for Inscription
- Instructions to Request the Service 115, Identification for the Renewal of Documentation
- Instructions to Request the Service 127, Post-Deadline Inscription
- Instructions to Request the Service 206, Basic Revision (Evaluation) as Qualified Breeding Stock
- What is a Basic Assessment as PRE Breeding Stock all about? [English] [Spanish] [German] [French]
- Instructions to Request the Service 231, Duplicate Ownership Card
- Instructions to Request the Service 243, Genetic Coat Color Analysis
- Instructions to Request the Service 309, Export Certificate
- Instructions to Request the Service 310, Various Certificates
- Instructions to Request the Service 322, DNA Certificate
- Instructions to Request the Service 346, PRE Encumbrance Certificate
- Instructions to Request the Service 401, Duplicate EID
- Instructions to Request the Service 413, Initial Ownership Card
- Instructions to Request the Service 504, Incompatible Parentage Test
- Instructions to Request the Service 516, Verification of Identity
- Instructions to Request the Service 607, Change of Name
- Instructions to Request the Service 619, Change of Ownership
- When purchasing a PRE Horse... Remember! [English] [Spanish] [German] [French]
- Instructions to Request the Service 700/802, Breeder Code
- Purebred Spanish Horse Breeding Program (BOE Nº 175, 24/06/2020)
- Programme D'Élevage du Cheval de Pure Race Espagnole (BOE Nº 175, 24/06/2020)
- Fokprogramma Voor Raszuivere Spaanse Paarden (PRE-Paarden) (BOE Nº 175, 24/06/2020)
- Program Chovu Koňů Čisté Španělské Rasy (PRE) (BOE Nº 175, 24/06/2020)
- Zuchtprogramm des Pferdes der Reinen Spanischen Rasse (BOE Nº 175, 24/06/2020)
- Programma di Allevamento del Cavallo di pura Razza Spagnola (BOE Nº 175, 24/06/2020)
- Real Decreto 45/2019, de 8 de febrero (Not translated)
- Real Decreto 787/2023, de 17 de octubre (Not translated)
- Orden APA/1018/2003, de 23 de abril (Not translated)