Register Your Foals as Soon as Possible!

Remember that based on the mandates of the latest Royal Decree regarding the identification of horses, the registration (inscription) of foals must be done within the timeframe indicated by said Decree.
Thus, foals must be registered with the PRE Stud Book in keeping with the following dates:
- Foals born between January and June must be registered before the end of the year (before December 31, 2015). 
- Foals born between July and December must be registered before they are six months old.
Full-fledged members of ANCCE who have paid their membership fee as of December 31 of the previous year may take advantage of the bonus price established for this service.
On the other hand, breeders wishing to become full-fledged members of ANCCE may also enjoy this special bonus price.
We strongly recommend that you comply with all deadlines, as indicated above.  Remember that the fee to register (inscribe) a foal with the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book, after the established deadline, is three hundred euros (€300) per foal.
Should you have any doubts, consult with the collaborating association in your home country.