2023 young horse selection test final: september 14&15

The deadline for entries concludes on September 6th.  
On thursday, the 14th, there will be two talks about genomics and genetic selection for dressage, after which, participants will be offered a coctktail.
The Young Horse Selection Texts (PSCJ ANCCE) for Dressage will take place at Dos Lunas Polo Dressage in San Martin de Tesorillo (in the province of Cadiz) on the 15th and 15th of September. You may send in entry forms until the 6th of September at 2:00 pm.
Within the framework of this Final, ANCCE will offer a workshop on Thursday, the 14th of September at 7 pm at the competition facilities.
The conferences offered are titled:
- "Genomics in PRE Horses. GO EQUIGENOM"
 Presented by Pedro J. Azor, Assistant Director of the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book
- "Past, present and future of genetic selection for Dressage"
 Presented by Mercedes Valera, Professor at the University of Sevilla
Once the conferences have concluded, ANCCE will offer participants at the Final a cocktail.
A new feature at this FINAL is the application of a corrective coefficient of 1.4 to the qualification scores for the ANCCE Cup Final. Once again, there is a reduced rate plan for entries.  
Entry Fees:
Full-Fledged Members of ANCCE: €30 + VAT
Associate Members: €50 + VAT
Members of ANCCE Associated Associations: €75 + VAT
Non-members: €150 + VAT
We would like to remind you about the importance of participating in this Final, as horses are assessed genetically. If and when a horse meets the corresponding requirements, it obtains one of the genetic categories established in the PRE Breeding Program, and its name will appear in the 2024 PRE Breeding Stock Catalog.