Next Basic Evaluation Germany 2020

Once the German and Spanish authorities it seems that they are going to authorize the flights without quarantine, we are happy to confirm that we are trying to organize the next revision tour in Germany this summer. Although we cannot confirm the dates yet, our intention is to plan the trip at the end of July or August as the last years.

In order to be able to start organising the trip we need to know the number of horses registered for the basic evaluation so if you are interested to present your horse, we would like to encourage you to send us your request as soon as possible.

You can find the necessary form to request the service: "International Application for Services" (Internationaler Serviceantrag) attached to this article. Please do not forget to make the payment through our website by credit card, PayPal or transfer (service code 206).

Please note that the final organization of the trip will depend on the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are already looking at other possibilities if finally we cannot organize the trip.

We will keep you regularly informed.