Discount on post-deadline registration fees in September and October 2021

All payment for Request for Service 217 (Post-deadline Registrations) that are processed throughout the months of SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER of 2021 will enjoy a reduced rate. Pay 85 euros per horse, instead of 300 euros!
The PRE Stud Book office, in an effort to facilitate matters when registering horses that are more than a year old and that still do not appear in the register, and because of the complex situation due to the COVID pandemic, has decided to apply a reduced rate for post-deadline registrations. Therefore, all payments for Request for Service 127 (post-deadline registration) made between September 1st and October 31st of this year 2021 (based on the time zone in Spain), shall enjoy a reduced rate. The fee will be eighty-five euros (€85) per horse, instead of the standard three hundred euros (€300).
For this reduced-rate post-deadline registration, the veterinarian visit must be carried out by the corresponding authorized veterinarian before February 1, 2022. In the case of a fee that has been deposited for Request for Service 127 that is not used before February 1, 2022 (based on the time zone in Spain), shall be made available to the breeder for a future service; the fee for said service shall be the applicable rate at the time of use.
The deadlines indicated shall not be EXTENDED.
In the case of international stud farms, this fee may be increased due to handling fees implemented by the collaborating association, or for the shipment of documents sent directly to the breeder, which also increases the final cost.